Everyday First Aid – British Red Cross

  • Location Somerset, Somerset Wide
  • Info/Website Click to open
  • Start Date To be Booked in advance
  • Telephone 07710 711637 - Clare Meaden - Adult Education Co-ordinator
  • Email cmeaden@redcross.org.uk

We deliver an Everyday First Aid programme to groups across the county who, through Red Cross research, have been identified as more likely to be at risk of slips, trips and falls.

The programme is free of charge, and is designed to educate people aged 65 or over  to a basic level of First Aid using everyday items around the home, and equip them with the knowledge and skills required to deal with any given First Aid situation that may arise as the result of a slip, trip or fall. Any donations kindly received, will help towards covering travel costs.

We are keen to expand our reach across Somerset, and wondered if you would be interested in the Red Cross delivering a session to your groups?

We can cover 6 essential First Aid skills over an hour to an hour and a half session.

To include defibrillator training, we would require a timescale of two hours, either as one session or, we could return on another occasion to deliver this along with further First Aid skills not covered in the first session.


*Please note: We can train individuals, their family members and carers, but we cannot train staff.


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