- Location Curry Rivel , South Somerset
- Venue Curry Rivel Village Hall, Church Street, Curry Rivel, TA10 0HE
- Info/Website Click to open
- Start Date Every Friday 9:30 — 1:30pm
- Telephone Cathy Walker - 07881725077 or 01278 256967 - for further details and to arrange a visit.
Do you know someone or maybe you would like to:
-Get out of the house once a week?
-Have a chat with new friends over coffee and a biscuit?
-Be entertained each week?
-Take a break from caring, by dropping off the person you support, for a few hours with a volunteer group that include three retired nurses?
-Enjoy a two-course freshly cooked lunch?
There is an amazing group of volunteers who would love the chance to give you/them a great morning.