Open Mental Health Carers

Are you supporting a family member or friend experiencing difficulties with their mental health?

Supporting people living with mental ill-health can sometimes be overwhelming. This can lead to care-givers having concerns over their own mental health.

The Community Council for Somerset (CCS) is working in partnership with Open Mental Health to ensure that friends, family and caregivers of adults experiencing mental health issues, can get the support they need.

Find out about organisations in Somerset that offer support and services for unpaid caregivers, family and friends here: OMH-Somerset-Directory-of-services-and-support-for-carers.pdf (

Visit the Open Mental Health website for resources, news updates and more: Somerset’s Mental Health Alliance – Open Mental Health

You can also contact the Open Mental Health team at Mindline Somerset 24 hours a day on 01823 276892 or freephone 0800 138 1692 or by email at

If you have lived experience of caring for someone experiencing difficulties with their mental health and would be willing to share your views about what you find helpful, what support you’d like to see in place, or could volunteer to offer weekly phone support to others, please contact

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